Service Outreach
In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”
Acts 20:35
The St. Louis service program is designed to introduce and develop a habit of considering the needs of others and seeking to encourage, inspire, and love those in need. Jesus came to serve and we strive to follow his examples of compassion and love for all of God’s people and of creation. Our prayer is that service will become a life-long passion for all of our graduates.
Students at every grade level have an opportunity to learn about helping others and participate in a vast array of service projects. Most of these efforts are selected, organized, and lead by the Student Council and Service Club.
Following are some of past charities supported by St. Louis students. While many of our service activities are annual events, the students may select and propose charities for consideration each year.
- St. Vincent de Paul Beans and Bread: 240 personal care sock bundles, 60 additional travel size containers each of body wash and shampoo, tags made by younger students
- Veterans Day treat bags for members of the military
- Bon Secours Community Support Center: Christmas toy collection
- Kennedy Krieger: decorated trees to be sold during the Festival of Trees
- Archdiocese of Baltimore Seminarians: prayer and cards
- Little Sisters of the Poor Nun Run: monetary support through Out of Uniform Day
- Level the Playing Field: collection of used sports equipment
- Cross Catholic Outreach (families and children in Ukraine): monetary support through Out of Uniform Day
- Catholic Relief Services: monetary support through Out of Uniform Day
- Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl: sacrificial giving during Lent
- Catholic Negro American Mission Board: monetary support through Out of Uniform Day
- Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation: monetary support through Out of Uniform Day
- Surfer’s Healing (autism support): monetary support through Out of Uniform Day
- Homeless Veterans in Baltimore City: clothing donations
- Little Sisters of the Poor, St. Martin’s Home: Christmas cards and letters to residents
- University of Maryland Hospital: pictures and cards thanking health care workers for being heroes
- ICU Nurses at Howard County General Hospital: cards throughout the year
- NICU Nurses at Holy Cross Hospital: cards throughout the year