Student Summer Information
Summer is an important time to stay sharp on reading and math skills.
With regular reading and practice throughout the summer months, students return in the fall ready to learn and expand their skills.
These assignments are not to be saved until August. Students should work on summer skills in small increments throughout the summer. Combine this review with lots of time with family, relaxation, adventure, fun, and prayer!
We will see you on August 26.
Save the Date
Visit our school calendar for upcoming events! It will be updated throughout the summer.
Check out our 2024 - 2025 school calendar highlights. A detailed calendar will be sent at the beginning of the year.
Visit our uniform page for more information on what your child needs next year.
Outdoor Ed Dates
Save the dates for the fall!
- 8th Grade
- Echo Hill
- Sept. 9-11
- 6th and 7th Grade
- Blackrock
- Oct. 16-18
Bring Your Own Device Policy
Important information for all students entering 4th - 8th grade.
Summer Work and Supply Lists
- Incoming PreK
- Incoming Kindergarten
- Incoming First Grade
- Incoming Second Grade
- Incoming Third Grade
- Incoming Fourth Grade
- Incoming Fifth Grade
- Incoming Sixth Grade
- Incoming Seventh Grade
- Incoming Eighth Grade