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St. Louis School holds the distinction of STEM School Certification by Cognia.  St. Louis School holds the distinction of STEM School Certification by Cognia. This award recognizes SLS's continuing commitment to STEM education in all curriculum areas. 

The school’s rigorous academic program challenges all students from prekindergarten through 8th grade and engages them in active learning and in the cross-curricular study while appealing to their diverse learning styles. This means that we teach students to be creative problem solvers, use critical thinking, collaborate with their peers, and, most importantly, communicate effectively with others.

St. Louis School offers practical, hands-on engineering and technology experiences across the curriculum. Some student favorites include 3D design, printing, and coding.

For More Information

Mrs. Zulma Whiteford
STEM Coordinator



Awarded in 2019, Cognia recognizes St. Louis School's continuing commitment to STEM education in all curriculum areas. 

STEM Clubs

St. Louis School provides STEM exploration during class time and through exciting, extracurricular club opportunities like Design and Build, CyberSTEM, and FIRST Lego League.

In 2023, both of the St. Louis FIRST Lego League teams advanced to the state competition and earned honorable recognition for their work.  One team applied for a patent for their creativity unique invention.

Learn more about all clubs at St. Louis School.

What is STEM?

STEM is an acronym that stands for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. This intentional educational concept incorporates practical, hands-on engineering and technology experiences across the curriculum. 

STEM promotes discovery, exploration, higher-level thinking, logical reasoning, collaboration, and problem-solving, both inside and outside the classroom.

Check out images from our STEM program

Learn More About STEM at SLS